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Vision Therapy

Like physical therapy for the eyes and brain.

Vision therapy is an individualized program of in-office supervised therapy sessions focused on visual deficiencies. These therapy sessions include activities geared towards increasing visual awareness and practice in order to improve visual accuracy and efficiency.

The ultimate goal of vision therapy is to improve and alleviate visual deficiencies. When the visual system functions correctly and efficiently, visually-based activities require less energy and effort leading to increased comfort and ease.

Book an appointment at Union Eye Associates to learn more about vision therapy and whether it’s a good option for you. We serve patients in Union, Washington, St. Clair, and beyond.

Whom do we treat?

Vision therapy can be used to help treat anyone with visual deficiencies including children with learning-related visual difficulties and individuals who have previously suffered from an acquired brain injury (ABI) with functional vision symptoms.

What are some symptoms in children who may have learning-related visual difficulties?

  • Eye turn
  • Blurred/double vision
  • Head tilting/closing or covering an eye
  • Squinting/eye rubbing
  • Excessive blinking
  • Avoidance of near work
  • Loss of place while reading
  • Omitting, inserting, or re-reading words
  • Poor reading comprehension
  • Reversals
  • Difficulty copying from the board
  • Poor sports performance

What are some functional vision symptoms in individuals who have previously suffered an ABI?

  • Reading difficulties
  • Blurred/double vision
  • Eyestrain
  • Headaches after visual activity
  • Difficulty with balance/dizziness
  • Light sensitivity
  • Loss of visual field

Success Stories

Here are just a few vision therapy testimonials from happy patients and parents.

What changes have you noticed since beginning vision therapy?

Hudson’s visual difficulties have improved significantly. Reading and other academic endeavors have become more manageable for him. His struggles in reading continue, but working towards a solution in his vision therapy have made these struggles in the classroom improve, and the gaps have narrowed.

Would you recommend this service to others?

Hudson read a Halloween story in front of his class with confidence, and it made my year! He also tried out for his Christmas play narrator. Neither of these would have happened without Dr. B and her program. She has my thanks eternally.

-Hudson W.’s Dad

What changes have you noticed since beginning vision therapy?

I used to have difficulty reading newspaper, now I can read articles with no difficulty. Also, I used to get headaches frequently, migraines if I was out in the sun for long periods of time. Now, I was out in the sun 2 days in a row all day long – no headaches or migraine. VERY HAPPY!

Would you recommend this service to others?

Yes – my injuries were almost 12 years old and this therapy has helped me. Thank you Dr. B.

-Fran S.

What changes have you noticed since beginning vision therapy?

Yes, the changes I have noticed is I don’t see double anymore, I don’t get headaches, I don’t skip lines or repeat them. I like to read more, I can remember what I read, I don’t feel like I am struggling to read, and my eyes feel a lot stronger.

Would you recommend this service to others?


-Victoria L.

What changes have you noticed since beginning vision therapy?

Not as much double vision and blurriness

Would you recommend this service to others?


-Morgan C.

What changes have you noticed since beginning vision therapy?

  • Reading has improved greatly.
  • Handwriting has improved.
  • No longer tripping over her own feet and running into walls daily.
  • More focused on school.
  • Not as frustrated when learning new things.

Would you recommend this service to others?


-Shelby Q.’s Mom

If you’d like to learn more about vision therapy and discuss your options with an experienced eye care professional, book an appointment at Union Eye Associates. We look forward to meeting you.